Saturday, October 1, 2016

Seco Island in Tibiao

Seco Island   ("seko" means elbow in our local language). The Seco Island known for its beautiful sunrise and white playful dolpdins following every vessel that pass by.

It basically looks like a clump of fine white sand dumped in the middle of the ocean, with just a handful of trees and shrubs somewhere on the side.

Truth be told, snorkeling isn't the best thing to do in Seco. There were few corals and plenty of sea grass.

The best thing about Seco is its white sand beaches. It's perfect for picture taking, beach bumming, and generally just relaxing after a long boat ride.

"Paradise in Seco Island"

Aside from its unspoiled water that changes color every now and then, the area is also rich in marine resources such  the local government campaigning very hard to protect the island resources.

The 1.5 kilometer powder-fine sand bar is said to be comparable to the Maldives in Indian Ocean.

We recommended tourist to bring big umbrellas or tent, sunblock, food, and sufficient water when planning to vivist Seco.

Tourist can stay overnight using tents.

Not visible form mainland Antique, it takes a 3 or 4 hours boat ride, sometimes through rough  a seas, before one can get glimpse of this raw yet captivating island. But it's definitely worth the wait once you reach the island.
How to get there? 
  • You can ride pump boat, from Culasi or Tibiao.


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