Friday, July 29, 2016

My Reason's

             * What is my blog about?

My blog is about the tourist attraction of our province here in Antique. It is a place of inherent where tourist can visit, typically for its inherent on exhibited natural or value, historical significance and natural beauty offering leisure, adventure and amusement. Natural beauty such as beaches, tropical island resorts with coral reefs, hiking and camping. This are the traditional attraction to spend during summer vacation. And we the Filipino are fun of going in a different tourist attraction. I am one of the explorer of the world and I enjoy going and seeing those natural beauty that God created for us to enjoy and explore it. I go there not only to explore or to enjoy the place but to spend time with our families and friends.

*The reason why I blog about this?

 My reason why I blog about this because it is a great way to establish a strong writing habit. It helps me to learn new things about my blog and to write better. It is my first time to write a blog so I think it is a challenge to build my self confidence. Because I know blogging help me to learn to voice my opinion, dare to be wrong and stop being so scared to make mistake. It helps me to speak more coherently. The more I learn and share my ideas about my areas of interest on my blog, its builds my self confidence to enhance my skills in writing.

 * What is my purpose/goal for blogging?

 My purpose for blogging are; I want to share my knowledge about my subject interest. I want to inspire other people through my blog. By sharing what I see  in the world. About sharing what I know and what I see about my subject interest. To promote my opinion and ideas. I want also to express what I feel about my subject. To grow  confidence to face an audience and manage my nervousness on my subject of interest. And also to promote tourism.  Encourage people to visit our place and attract the investor to invest in our province.  I want  Antique to be popular in our tourist attraction.